Create Image Gallery in WordPress

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This content provides a guide on how to create a gallery in an article to insert multiple images without making the presentation look unprofessional. It explains the process of selecting and organizing images in the gallery, editing image information for SEO optimization and reader navigation, and inserting the gallery into the article. By following these steps, users can effectively present multiple photos in their posts, using multiple galleries in different sections to enhance the overall appearance of their content.

Creating a gallery of images in WordPress can significantly enhance the visual appeal of your article. To get started, click on “Add Media” to initiate the process. Next, select the images you want to include in your gallery and click on “Create a new Gallery”. In the “Edit Gallery” frame, you can easily remove images by clicking on the ‘x’ icon on the desired image.

Before inserting the gallery into your post, optimize the image information for SEO by adjusting settings like “Link To”, “Columns”, and “Size” under the “Gallery Settings”. In the “Attachment Details” section, make any necessary edits to enhance user experience. Once you’re satisfied with the settings, click on “Insert gallery” to seamlessly integrate the created gallery into your post.

This method allows you to present multi-photo posts professionally, enabling you to use multiple galleries in different sections of your content. By following these steps, you can elevate the visual appeal of your article and engage your readers effectively.

Series Navigation:
– Insert images from the internet into WordPress.
– jQuery Lightbox Tutorial For Native Galleries.

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