Detecting and preventing content duplication on your website.

Cách phát hiện và ngăn chặn sao chép nội dung trên website của bạn

Unique and high-quality website content is crucial for building credibility with readers and avoiding copyright infringement. To prevent website content from being copied, tools like Copyscape and Grammarly can help identify duplicate content. For WordPress users, plugins like WP Content Copy Protection & No Right Click, RCD-Right Click Disabler, and WP Protect Content can prevent right-clicking and content theft. Adding a copyright notice to each article can also deter potential content thieves. Overall, protecting your website’s content is essential to maintain originality and preserve the effort put into creating valuable content.

Unique and high-quality content is crucial for a website as it establishes value and credibility with readers. To prevent the theft of website content, it is important to identify instances where your content has been copied.

How to determine if your website has been copied

If you want to ensure that your unique content remains exclusive to your website, it’s essential to check for any instances of plagiarism. Two popular tools for detecting duplicate content are Copyscape and Grammarly.


Copyscape is a widely used free tool that scans for duplicate content by comparing your website address with other domains. It will highlight any offending URLs where your content has been replicated.


In addition to its grammar-checking functions, Grammarly can also detect copied content. By pasting your content into the tool, Grammarly compares it with billions of websites to identify any instances of plagiarism.

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Prevent Copying Content and Images on WordPress

WordPress, being a popular content management system, offers ways to prevent the unauthorized copying of content and images on your website:

  • Use a plugin to prevent right-clicking on images.
  • Configure .htaccess to prevent hotlinking and unauthorized access.
  • Include a copyright notice to deter content theft.

Prevent copying content by disabling right-click with a plugin

Here are some WordPress plugins that can help prevent content theft by disabling right-click functionality:

  • Prevent Content Theft: This plugin disables right-clicking on content and images to prevent copying.
  • WP Content Copy Protection & No Right Click: Protects posts on the website by preventing content copying through JavaScript and CSS integration.
  • RCD-Right Click Disabler: Disables right-click functionality to protect both content and code from being copied.
  • WP Protect Content: Prevents users from copying, cutting, or pasting data from the website by restricting right-click options.

Copyright notice at the bottom or top of each article

Adding a copyright notice at the top or bottom of each post can serve as a simple yet effective deterrent against content theft.


While these measures aim to safeguard your intellectual property, it’s important to note that some individuals may genuinely require your content for research or study purposes. Stay informed by following relevant WordPress resources and always strive to protect your valuable content.

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