Guide to Adding UX Menu Icon to Various Locations in Flatsome Theme

thiet lap trang chu Theme Flatsome

This content provides instructions for creating category icons in the Menu Widget and map/hotline/email icons in the Menu Footer. It includes code that needs to be inserted into the functions.php file of the theme to achieve this. The code includes filters for wp_nav_menu_args and widget_nav_menu_args, as well as a function for setting the walker to FlatsomeNavDropdown. The content also wishes the reader good luck and encourages them to write in English.

Informative Guide on Adding UX Menu Icons in Flatsome Theme


  • Create category icons in Menu Widget
  • Create map / hotline / email icons in Menu Footer

To add UX menu icons in different locations of the Flatsome theme, follow these steps:

  1. Insert the following code into the file functions.php of the theme:
add_filter('wp_nav_menu_args', 'wpex_ux_menu_icon');
add_filter('widget_nav_menu_args', 'wpex_ux_menu_icon');
function wpex_ux_menu_icon($args) {
   return array_merge( $args, array(
      'walker' => new FlatsomeNavDropdown(),
   ) );

By following these steps, you can enhance the user experience on your website by adding visually appealing icons to your menu widgets and footer. Good luck with customizing your Flatsome theme!

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