Guide to creating a beautifully designed shake-to-call button for websites.

Hướng dẫn tạo nút gọi điện rung lắc cho website cực đẹp

The article explains how to create a shaking call button for a website to attract customer attention. It provides a guide on inserting the necessary HTML and CSS code to achieve this effect. The code creates a visually appealing call button that prompts users to dial a hotline number when accessed via computer or click to call when accessed on a mobile device. The article offers step-by-step instructions on implementing the code either directly or through a plugin. This feature can enhance customer engagement and increase the likelihood of users contacting the website owner.

Are you looking to spice up your website with a "shaking call button" that catches the eye of your visitors? Look no further! In this guide, I’ll show you how to create a stunning call button for your website that will undoubtedly attract customers and prompt them to reach out to you.

When visitors access your website from a computer, they’ll be greeted with a hotline number they can easily dial. For mobile users, a simple click is all it takes to connect with you.

Now, let’s dive into two methods to create this phone call button: using code and a plugin.

Code to Insert Shaking Call Button for Website

If you’re a savvy coder, you can follow these steps to implement the shaking call button on your website:

  1. Insert the provided HTML and CSS code into the footer of your website.

    <div class="hotline-phone-ring-wrap">
       <!-- HTML code here -->
  2. Customize the CSS in the style.css file to adjust the button’s appearance to match your website’s design.

    .hotline-phone-ring-wrap {
       /* CSS styling here */

By following these steps, you’ll have a sleek and attention-grabbing call button on your website that invites customers to get in touch with you. Don’t forget to update the phone number in the code to reflect your own contact information!

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