How and why limit login attempts on WordPress for security purposes

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Limiting login attempts in WordPress can help prevent hackers from guessing passwords and gaining access to your account. This article explains how to limit login attempts on your WordPress site to reduce the risk of unauthorized access. Brute force attacks, where hackers use automated software to guess passwords, are a common method used to hack into websites. By limiting the number of failed login attempts per user, you can increase security. The article also provides steps on how to install and customize the Limit Login Attempts Reloaded plugin to set up login restrictions and notifications for added security.

Do you want to limit login attempts in WordPress?

Since hackers may try to guess your password for their own gain, if you limit the number of times they can log in, you will significantly reduce the risk of account theft. In this article, I will show you how and why you should limit login attempts on your WordPress site.

Why Should You Limit WordPress Login Attempts?

Brute force attack is a trial and error method to break into a WordPress site. The most common type of hack is password guessing. Hackers use automated software to guess your login information.

Normally, WordPress allows users to enter their password as many times as they want. Hackers can try to exploit this by using scripts that enter different combinations until they guess the correct login credentials.

You can prevent this by limiting the number of failed login attempts per user. For example, you can temporarily lock a user after 5 failed login attempts.

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Unfortunately, some users find themselves locked out of their WordPress site after entering the wrong password too many times. If you find yourself in this situation, then you should follow the steps in our guide on how to bypass the login attempt limit.

Let’s see how to limit login attempts to your WordPress site.

How to Limit WordPress Login Attempts

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the plugin. Limit Login Attempts Reloaded. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

The free version is all you need for this tutorial. Once activated, you should visit Settings » Limit Login Attempts page, then click on the Settings tab at the top.

The default settings will work for most sites, but I will show you how you can customize the plugin settings for your site.

GDPR Compliance Required

To comply with GDPR laws, you can click the “GDPR compliant” checkbox to display a notification.

Next, you’ll choose whether to be notified when someone is locked out. You can change the email address the notifications are sent to if you want. By default, you’ll be notified the third time a user is locked out.

You should then scroll down to the “Local app section” where you can define how many login attempts can be made and how long the user will have to wait before they can try again.

First, you need to define the number of login attempts that can be made. Then, choose how many minutes the user will have to wait if they exceed the number of attempts. The default value is 20 minutes.

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You can also increase the timeout when a user is locked out. The default setting will prevent users from logging in for 24 hours.

It is not recommended to change the ‘Trusted IP Origins’ setting for security reasons. Don’t forget to click the Save Settings button at the bottom of the screen to store your changes.


I hope with this simple trick you can secure your WordPress site better. If you find it interesting, you can follow the basic WordPress section to learn more new knowledge. Follow fanpage to receive the latest articles: Hocwordpress Group

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