Understanding and inserting widgets on a website using WordPress – A quick guide

WordPress widget - Tìm hiểu về widget và cách chèn widget vào website

In this article, we learn about WordPress widgets and how to insert them into a website. Widgets are powerful features of WordPress that can be used to enhance a website’s functionality. They can include search bars, categories, tag clouds, lists of articles, product filters, and more. Widgets can be placed in different positions on a website based on the layout of the interface. To insert widgets into a WordPress website, users can navigate to the Display > Widget menu and drag and drop widgets into specified positions. Widgets can be customized by editing their content. Overall, widgets are useful tools for decorating and adding features to a WordPress website.

In this article, we will delve into WordPress widgets and their functions, along with a guide on "How to insert widget into website". Widgets are essential components of a WordPress site, offering various utilities for website operation.

What is a widget?

In a WordPress website interface, predefined positions exist to insert content or utilities, such as:

  • UMBRELLA search (Search): Helps users search content by keywords on the website.
  • Categories: Displays the categories of the website.
  • Tag Cloud: Shows the tags used on the website.
  • List of new articles.
  • New product list.
  • Filter products.
  • A piece of text or code.
  • and more.

These utilities are packaged into widgets and can be placed in different positions based on the interface layout. The sets of available widgets may vary depending on the theme and plugins installed, as widgets are compatible with themes and plugins.

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How to insert widget into website

Before adding WordPress widgets, understanding the basic layout of a WordPress interface is crucial. The layout may include a sidebar on the left or a top bar above the header for widget insertion.

There are typically two places to add widgets: sidebar widget and footer widget. In the widget management section, you can select the location to place the widgets based on the interface layout.

How to install WordPress widget

To use WordPress widgets, navigate to the menu Display > Widget. You’ll see two sections: a list of widgets on the left, including default and additional widgets, and widget locations in your theme on the right.

Widgets can be dragged and dropped from the left section to the various positions on the right. Different positions allow for multiple widgets to be inserted. Configuration of widget content can be done by editing each widget’s settings and saving changes.

By following these steps, you can customize the layout of your widgets on the home page and enhance the functionality of your WordPress site.


WordPress widgets are versatile utilities that enhance the appearance and functionality of a website. By understanding how to use widgets effectively, you can optimize your site’s user experience and engagement.

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