Where does EnglishWordPress store images on the Hocwordpress.vn website?

Wordpress lưu trữ hình ảnh ở đâu trên website? Hocwordpress.vn

The article discusses how WordPress stores images in the wp-content > uploads directory, dividing them by year and month for easier management. It explains that creating multiple image sizes for thumbnails and featured images can take up storage space over time. The author recommends optimizing images before uploading, deleting unused images, or using a separate server for storage to reduce the size of the upload folder. Overall, WordPress has a systematic approach to content storage, but may not be ideal for websites with heavy image usage like classifieds sites.

Hello everyone!

Have you ever wondered where WordPress stores its library content, specifically images on a website? Let me guide you through it.

WordPress typically saves images in the directory wp-content > uploads. These images are organized by year and month, making it easier for tasks like backup and photo editing.

The storage system is set up to sort images into folders based on the year and month, which you can configure in the Settings > Library section. If this feature is unchecked, all images will be saved directly to the uploads folder, leading to a cluttered and challenging management situation.

When you access a specific month’s folder, you’ll notice that WordPress stores images in various sizes. These multiple versions serve different purposes, such as thumbnails and featured images, automatically generated for your convenience.

If you want to modify the auto-generated image resizing settings, you can make changes in the Media Settings.

In summary, WordPress has an organized way of storing content, but the proliferation of images in different sizes can become a storage challenge over time. To address this, you can optimize images before upload, periodically delete unused images, or consider using a separate server to store images for WordPress. I’ll delve deeper into these strategies in future articles!

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