WordPress installation guide on localhost using XAMPP – step by step instructions

cài đặt wordpress

After setting up a complete localhost, the next step is to install WordPress in order to create a website on your virtual host network. To do this, create a separate folder in “C:\xampp\htdocs” for easy management and download the latest WordPress source code from wordpress.org. Copy the source code files to your website directory, create a new database, and run the website to install WordPress. Enter database information, complete the installation process, and log in to the WordPress admin panel. By following these steps, you can successfully set up WordPress on a localhost environment and begin managing your website.

So, you’ve set up your localhost and you’re ready to install WordPress to create your website. Let’s walk through the steps together.


Step 1. Download the source code from WordPress.org website

First things first, head over to WordPress.org and download the latest version of WordPress. Once downloaded, unzip the file to get the "wordpress" folder.

Step 2. Copy WordPress source code to Localhost

Now, copy all the files and folders from the "wordpress" folder to your website directory in localhost (e.g., C:\xampp\htdocs\thachpham). Remember, just copy the source files and folders, not the entire wordpress folder.

Step 3. Create a new database

To run WordPress, you need a MySQL database on your localhost to store data like posts and settings. Need help creating a database? Check it out here.

Step 4. Run the website to install

After copying the files, start Apache and MySQL in XAMPP. Access your website at http://localhost/thachpham. Follow the installation process, setting up important info like website name and admin credentials. Once done, you’re ready to log in to the WordPress admin panel.

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In a nutshell, that’s how you Install WordPress on your localhost. Excited to see your website come to life? Keep exploring to dive deeper into using and managing WordPress!

Remember, if you access your main domain at http://localhost/thachpham, you’ll see your site’s homepage. To access the Admin page, simply add /wp-admin to the URL. Enjoy building your website on localhost!

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