Categories in WordPress: An Essential Guide for Organizing and Navigating your Content

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Categories are a way of classifying content in a WordPress website, similar to folders on Windows. To create and manage categories, go to Post > Categories. You can add a category name, URL, choose a parent category, add a description, and create a new category. When writing a post, you can quickly create a category in the Categories block. Adding an article to a category involves checking the category when writing the article. Using categories helps organize articles on a website. Next, the focus will be on tags and formats.

Categories is a type of content classification that groups articles together. These categories are similar to folders on a Windows computer, where a category can hold one child category or be contained within a parent category.

To create and manage categories, you can navigate to Post > Categories. In this section, you can add new categories and view existing ones. The red portion is where you add a new category, while the blue section lists all existing categories.

When creating a category, you’ll need to input the following information:

  1. Name: The name of the category
  2. Slug: The URL-friendly version of the category name. If left blank, WordPress will generate one based on the name.
  3. Parent: The parent folder for the category. If set to None, it won’t be placed under any other category.
  4. Description: An optional description that can aid in SEO.
  5. Add new category: Click this button after filling in the details to create the category.

Additionally, you can quickly create a category while writing a post by using the Categories block. These categories help organize your content efficiently and can be managed effectively within the WordPress dashboard.

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If you wish for an article to belong to a specific category, simply check the corresponding category while writing the post.

In conclusion, understanding how to use categories to classify articles is essential in content organization. In the next article, we will delve into tags and formats for a more comprehensive approach to managing content.

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