Creating a stationary sidebar in WordPress

Tạo fixed sidebar trong Wordpress

The sidebar is a part of a website that contains important content such as article categories, new articles, and products. It helps customers navigate easily to important links on the website. However, in some cases, the main content may be too long, causing the sidebar to be pushed up when scrolling. To solve this issue, a fixed sidebar can be created using a plugin like Q2W3 Fixed Widget in WordPress. This plugin allows the sidebar content to stay in one place, improving the website’s appearance and making it easier for viewers to access important content. The sidebar should be kept at a distance from the top and bottom edges to avoid being covered by the header or footer.

Having a sidebar on your website can be useful for displaying important content like article categories, new products, and more. This makes it easier for users to navigate and find what they are looking for. However, sometimes the main content on a page is lengthy, causing the sidebar to get pushed up as users scroll down. This can create an unbalanced look and make it difficult for users to access the sidebar content.

To address this issue, you can make the sidebar stay fixed in one place even as users scroll down the page. This not only enhances the overall aesthetics of your website but also ensures that important content in the sidebar is always visible.

To achieve a fixed sidebar in WordPress, you can use a plugin like Q2W3 Fixed Widget. This free plugin, with over 100,000 active installations, allows you to easily make widgets in your sidebar stay fixed. After installing and activating the plugin, you can simply select the widgets you want to keep fixed from the widget settings.

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If you have multiple widgets in your sidebar, it’s a good idea to prioritize the important ones towards the bottom so they remain visible as users scroll down the page. Additionally, to prevent the sidebar content from being covered by the header or footer, you can adjust the margin settings in the plugin options.

In summary, creating a fixed sidebar in WordPress is a simple yet effective way to enhance your website’s usability and ensure easy access to important links. Give it a try and see how it can improve the overall user experience on your site!

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