Additional Information in WooCommerce Settings

Xoá tab Thông tin bổ sung trong WooCommerce

When adding products with variations in WooCommerce, an annoying tab named Additional Information is displayed, showcasing only product variation details. To remove this tab, two methods can be used. One method involves using CSS to hide the tab, while the other involves using PHP to prevent the system from loading the tab’s information from the database. By following the steps mentioned, the Additional Information tab and its content can be completely removed, providing a cleaner product page without unnecessary details.

Adding products with variations in WooCommerce can sometimes lead to an annoying tab called Additional information that displays only product variation details, nothing more. If you’re one of those individuals finding this tab bothersome, worry not. There are two simple ways to remove it.

One way is to use CSS to hide the tab, ensuring it never makes an appearance. Just paste the following CSS snippet into the style.css file of your Child theme:

/* Hide the additional information tab */
li.additional_information_tab {
    display: none !important;

While using CSS gets the job done, the tab’s content still gets loaded in the background, even if it remains unseen. For a more efficient solution, consider using PHP to prevent the system from loading this information altogether. To do so, add the following code snippet to the function.php file in your Child theme:

function remove_product_tabs( $tabs ) {
    unset( $tabs['additional_information'] );
    return $tabs;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_tabs', 'remove_product_tabs', 98 );

And that’s it! The troublesome Additional information tab, along with its data, should now be completely removed. Feel free to check out your site and admire the cleaner product page.

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